
‚Stata-like‘ tick marks for logarithmic axes in ggplot2

I am currently reproducing a statistical analysis a colleague of mine conducted in Stata. Obviously, I am using R for the replication. I came across what I think is Stata’s default behavior when using log-transformed axes. This is an example. What I like about the tick lines on the axes here is that they show the “distortion” that is introduced by the logarithmic transformation. In other words: Distances between the non-transformed values shrink as we reach higher values and the tick marks show just that.

Using custom scales with the ‚scales‘ package

Maybe you already heard of the package “scales” - and if you didn’t hear about it, you might have used it without knowing (e.g., in the context of ggplot2 graphs). I want to show you a few of the functionalities of the “scales” package. I will also show you how to create your own scales. There are several possible reasons why you might want to use these: Automatically create axis labels that show percentages (0.